squash spaghetti sauce

Troy is 3!! yup and as a treat for him we made spaghetti for dinner which is a must for my chinese heritage which says noodles bring long life so for every birthday in the family, a noodle dish must be present. In this case i opted for spaghetti (again!)..
The sauce we made was vegetable enriched, in this case we added squash. My dad brought home a half of a big squash and i remember Troy enjoyed them a lot boiled or added to pinakbet. Made good use of it which i boiled, mashed and stirred into the sauce. Chopped some garlic, sauteed in a bit of oil then added in some tuna (from the can), next came the squash, seasoned with salt, pepper and dried basil. Let it simmer then add 2 packs of spaghetti sauce. Stir then sprinkle  some grated cheese.. serve over pasta..enjoy!

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